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Do you know you can save operational time per stage, save pumping time, and mitigate HSE risk with HCR 7000 compared to HCL. HCR 7000 is part of the proprietary, eco-friendly Modified Acid product portfolio that minimizes the hazardous exposure levels, corrosion rates and negative HSE properties of hydrochloric acid (HCl), while maintaining the positive aspects of solubilizing ability and reactivity rates.
Do you know you can save operational time per stage, save pumping time, and mitigate HSE risk with HCR 7000 compared to HCL. HCR 7000 is part of the proprietary, eco-friendly Modified Acid product portfolio that minimizes the hazardous exposure levels, corrosion rates and negative HSE properties of hydrochloric acid (HCl), while maintaining the positive aspects of solubilizing ability and reactivity rates.